What to do
Continue to study, study, study! You are in the home stretch! Protect your GPA to give yourself the most options!
Come to Wolfson College Resource Center for help with applications, financial aid, scholarships.
Attend college admission counselor visits to Wolfson.
Narrow down your list to 7-10 colleges. Include 2-3 reach (you fall below their academic profile), 3-4 target (you fit their academic profile), and 1-2 likely (you are above their academic profile).
Create a master list or calendar that include: tests you need to take with registration deadlines and fees, college application due dates, financial aid deadlines, high school transcript requirements and letters of recommendation.
Ask for letters of recommendation well in advance of your deadline. Make sure to provide a "brag sheet"about you, your goals, interests and accomplishment for the recommendation writer. (Think about who you will ask to write the recommendation-preferably someone who knows and likes you.)
Continue to hold leadership positions and participate in and track extracurricular activities: sports, clubs and community service (required for Bright Futures Scholarships). Update your high school resume as needed.
Finalize application essay and supplemental college specific essays
Submit applications by college deadline that best fits your application plan
Apply for scholarships. Research local scholarship opportunities especially within organizations and clubs that you participate. Check the Wolfson College Resource website scholarship database.
Fill out FAFSA with your parents (opens October 1) regardless of financial need.
Attend Financial Aid Night at Wolfson.
Take the SAT and/or ACT again if necessary.
Monitor application status check portals to ensure receipt of transcripts, SAT/ACT test scores, SSAR, letters of recommendation.
Continue to submit applications. Many colleges have a November 1 deadline for priority deadlines or early action.
Complete the online Florida Financial Aid Application for Bright Futures. Complete and submit college applications.
Continue to apply for scholarship opportunities.
Turn in community service or paid work hour forms to school counseling office to be sure they are in the system for the 7th semester Bright Futures evaluation. You cannot be awarded Bright Futures without meeting community service requirements. Hours must be entered into your Student FOCUS account to receive credit.
Meet with your guidance counselor for final check of high school graduation requirements.
Check your Bright Futures eligibility online in March.
Review financial aid package generated by your FAFSA and admitted colleges.
Complete application for Seal of Biliteracy with DCPS if you qualify.
If you are an athlete planning to play sports in college, make sure you have submitted the fees and final transcript to the NCAA Eligibility Center.
Have your final transcript sent to college and NCAA (if applicable).
Check 8th semester Bright Futures evaluation. Make sure the college you plan to attend is listed on your application.
Check your Bright Futures eligibility online in July.