a college RESUME?
Why Make
A resume shows colleges who you are beyond your grades and test scores. Many colleges recommend and some even require a resume of your activities and achievements in high school as a part of your application.
A resume will also help you make a good impression in other ways too.
Submit with college application. Your resume will not only save you time when completing your college applications, it will also ensure you don't forget anything important. Some colleges allow and some require resumes.
Give it to the teachers writing your letters of recommendation to help them get to know you even better and remind them of your high school accomplishments.
Bring it to your college interviews (if allowed) to serve as a positive conversation starter
Submit it with your scholarship applications to make it easier to showcase your accomplishments. Some scholarship applications ask for a resume.
Use for jobs and internships. You can easily adapt the college application resume for work and internship interviews.
What should you put on your college application resume?
Shave your list down to your most impressive accomplishments. You don't need to include your GPA and scores, since colleges will see them in your application. However, you should have a second version of your resume—one that includes your weighted and unweighted GPAs and your standardized test scores—to use for scholarship applications, athletic resumes or whenever the reader would want/need to know about you and does not have easy access to your transcript and test scores.
You should include:
Your most significant achievements and honors
Your major leadership roles and initiatives you have undertaken
Include unusual but impressive activities, experiences, and special skills that don't fit neatly into the activity sections of college applications.
Significant volunteer and paid work experience
How long should a college resume be?
An effective college admission resume is a brief (start with 2 pages and try to whittle down to 1 page) easy to scan summary of what you achieved during high school. Instead of being a laundry list of activities and experiences, your resume
should shine a spotlight on your highest accomplishments.
When should you start your college resume?
Develop your student resume early in your high school years. Begin as early as freshman year.
How do you get started with your resume?
1. Brainstorm everything you've accomplished. Take time to think about your accomplishments over your high school years. Ask your parents and your counselor to help with brainstorming.
2. List everything that makes you stand out the most besides grades and scores. That includes awards, leadership roles, community service, special talents or hobbies, jobs, projects you led, and so on.
3. Note experiences that vividly show your determination, initiative, and passion. For example, colleges might be impressed if you stayed after school to tutor struggling students or if you picked up a second language by engaging conversations with coworkers at a part-time job.
How do you organize your resume?
Organize the information into an easy-to-read document that is no longer than two pages. Put your full name, address, phone number, e-mail, and your high school at the top. Here are some commonly used approaches to listing your entries.
Reverse chronological order, with the most recent entry listed first
By importance, with the entry most important to you listed first
By time commitment, with the largest time commitment listed first
By leadership, with the strongest leadership role listed first
By type, e.g., school-based activities, community service, work experience, honors/awards, hobbies and special interests
Below are handy categories to create for your entries.
Activities and work. Briefly describe the activity, your role in it, your contribution to it, the school year(s) you participated, any leadership positions you held, and how many weeks and hours per week you contributed.
Honors and awards. Provide the name of the award or leadership position, a brief description, why you won it, and the date you received it.
Other experiences and skills. Choose those that show your initiative and commitment. Describe the experience or skill, the challenges you faced, the period of time you devoted to it, and the result of your commitment.
Tips for Making the Best Impression with your resume
· Use simple formats with plain fonts.
· Spell out the names of entries. Don't use acronyms.
· Explain local or unique awards and clubs.
· Proofread (several times!) before sending. Then have someone else proofread it again.
For more information see this article from the Princeton Review.